• An Indoor Plant Nursery.

Calathea stromanthe triostar

Original price was: Rs.550.00.Current price is: Rs.500.00.

Common Name Calathea triostar
Name Stromanthe sanguinea
Type House Plant
Foliage Colour Red, white and green shade
Pot Size 4 to 5 inch
Special Features Air purifier, Ornamental, High Maintenance
Light Bright, indirect light. Avoid direct sunlight, which can scorch the leaves.
Water Water frequently and never allow potting soil to dry out. However, to avoid fungal problems, try not to get water directly on the leaves or let it sit.
Temperature Normal house temperature
Misting Stand on a wet pebble tray to improve humidity and mist frequently. or Mist Frequently in a day
Soil Well-draining soil is important
Feeding Apply a weak dose of a nitrogen once or twice a month during the growing season.
Care Wipe leaves with a damp cloth to remove accumulated dust.In the winter, when the plants go into dormancy (and sometimes die back completely), give them bright light to maintain growth.




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